It's snowing so hard right now! It first started snowing when I was out on my morning walk around the apartment complex with the houndy hound, so it has been snowing for about 3 1/2 hours now. It's really starting to stick now, too. They're predicting between 1 to 3 inches, which is about the same amount we got in the last storm back in December. Remember,the day it took me two hours to drive six miles? Currently it looks even snowier than that day, though. Last time the snow didn't really stick to the streets (which is why everyone's driving behavior was so ridiculous). This time my whole parking lot is already covered. Wheeee!
Fortunately, today is a much better day for a snowstorm. I don't have to be anywhere today. I drove my car over to the mechanic this morning before it started snowing hard, and then I walked back to my apartment. It was only about a mile walk, so I counted it as part of my exercise for the day, and walking in the softly falling snow was nice. So now my car is at the mechanic, which is pretty good timing. If I have to be without a car, it might as well be during a snowstorm when I wouldn't want to drive my car anywhere anyway.
The only downside is that a group of us were going to try to go down to City A to see a show tonight. It's a show by one of my favorite director/playwrights. If you go back to the very first entry I put in this blog in May, you can read my favorite segment from one of her plays, one of my top five favorite plays of all time. I love her adaptations, and her staging is amazing. For instance, the play I quoted back in May takes place entirely in and around a pool of water built into the stage. This play that we wanted to see tonight is another one based on mythology. It got great reviews when it opened in Chicago a couple of years ago, so I'm hopeful that it will be equally amazing. Obviously, I'm hoping we'll still be able to see the show tonight. It runs through the middle of February, so there will hopefully be other chances to see it, but the nice thing about this week is that students can get tickets for only $10. So yeah, I don't know what will happen. It seems like just in the past twenty minutes alone we've gotten another half inch of snow, and road conditions are probably getting pretty dicey (we can take the subway into City A, the problem is getting from our homes to subway stations...particularly in my case since I'm car-less and someone will have to drive up here and get me).
Anyway, if I don't see the show this week I'm determined to see it before it leaves, even if I have to go by myself and pay full price. Oh, and talking about the show reminds me of awesome news that I didn't tell you yet: I get to do a master class with this director next week! A campus e-mail went out offering a free class to the first 25 people to respond, and I responded even though I assumed the class would have filled up immediately with actors and directing students and I was probably too late. But I wasn't! I got a spot! I'm so nervous and excited about this. Excited because, hello, she's a Tony-winning director, she's definitely going to be in the entertainment history books someday, who wouldn't be excited about that?! But I'm nervous because it's a class on staging and I guess she's going to be staging us since we were told to wear movement clothes and lord knows I'm not a great performer at all. But I'm trying not to let that bother me much. I did a bunch of workshops with the Royal Shakespeare Company in England a couple of summers ago on stage combat and movement and voice and all sorts of performance-related things, and lord knows I wasn't a great performer then, either, and those classes all worked out fine. Great, even. Besides, I figure it's absolutely worth feeling awkward for a few hours of my life to learn from one of my favorite directors. We're staging dreams and fairy tales, apparently, and doesn't that sound so much fun? Yes, yes it does.
Anyway, the snow is still coming down like crazy. I'm used to living in a place where snow that actually sticks is a once-a-winter event (and even then it's usually more ice than snow) so at this point snow is still a huge novelty and I'm excited about it. I said I'd be satisfied that I now live somewhere with real seasons if we got three snowstorms this winter. Considering it's only mid-January and this is already snowstorm number two, I think there's a pretty good chance I'll get my wish. I think I'm gonna put the dog in his snowsuit and take him outside for a while.
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