Wednesday, December 5, 2007


So, I have a big project due tomorrow. It's a lengthy proposal paper for a course that is in my subject area but in a subfield that I have never had experience with before this semester [vague enough for you?]. I've found this course challenging, partially because it involves a lot of new methodology, and partially because the professor is often incredibly vague when she explains assignments but then grades them based on some sort of very specific rubric that exists only in her head, or at least was never explained clearly in class. She'll literally do things like say, "Dont be too critical," and then the next week turn around and say, "You all are really not being critical enough." It can be infuriating, but I haven't exactly been losing sleep over it.
Somehow, though, I have an "A" in this class. She finally gave us grades last week, and sixty percent of my grade in the course is an "A". Twenty percent of it will come from the project that's due tomorrow, and the last twenty percent will come from a final essay of some sort. I really have no idea how I have an "A", especially since apparently the entire class doesn't have "A"s (I always assume that if I'm doing well, everyone must be doing well, because I never feel that smart) but whatever. The point is, if 60% of my grade is an "A", the other 40% can be a "B" and my grade in the class will still be an "A", right? As far as I know, there are no actual number grades attached to the "A"s I have right now. So 60% "A" and 40% "B" should average out to an "A", I'm assuming. And it may be stupid to assume this, but I'm assuming if I actually do the assignments, I'll get at least a "B" on them.
In short, I have absolutely no desire to work on this assignment, and logically I don't feel like I should waste much effort on it, but knowing my luck if I attempt to get up tomorrow and throw something together just a few hours before class, I actually will get a "C". And yet I really, REALLY don't feel like working on this project. I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll just nap for a few hours right now since I certainly don't feel capable of focusing at the moment and then I'll get up really early in the morning and work until I have something that's reasonably acceptable.
Oh, and then there's the fact that I left my notebook with the original draft of this assignment and my prof's notes about it sitting on my desk in my office at school. I had a 25 mile per hour drive home from school in the snow on roads that are beginning to ice over, and the minute I got home I realized I had left the notebook behind. So I went, "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck," acknowledged that there was no way in hell I was going to drive the twelve miles roundtrip to school and back again in the dark and snow, realized that at least I have the original draft saved on my computer and I remember the basic gyst of the prof's comments anyway [the basic gyst was, "Do this completely differently"] and then realized that I don't give a damn about this assignment anymore anyway.
I stopped caring about this semester over the weekend. Did I already mention that?It's a combination of general laziness, mild burn out, excitement about the holidays, and a cold that Cold-Eeze is no longer fighting effectively (I personally think Cold-Eeze and similar products provide nothing but a placebo effect anyway, but two weeks ago it was an EFFECTIVE placebo effect). So yeah. Maybe I'll be feeling more inspired in the morning when the adrenaline kicks in as I realize that I really do have to finish the damn thing by 2:00.

Also, about that snow...I was really excited last night when I saw that we had a good chance of getting snow. I was excited when I woke up this morning and it was already snowing. And then it took me 2 hours to drive the six miles to campus during the morning rush hour. I knew that people here would be idiots about driving in the snow. People here are idiotic drivers, period. I know I bitch about it a lot, but seriously, I cannot emphasize enough how horribly people drive here. And when it rains, they're even worse. So I knew that if it was snowing I would have to leave much earlier than usual. But traffic was beyond ridiculous. SIX miles in TWO hours. I still can't quite wrap my mind around it. Oh well. I missed this morning's lecture, but I made it in time to teach my last two classes of the semester (woohoo!), which is what really mattered.
At least the snow is pretty. Actually, despite the horrible commute this morning, I'm still excited about the snow. I love how it makes the whole world feel clean and quiet. And nothing is better than Christmas lights glowing through softly falling snow. Plus you should see the way my dog walks in the snow. I don't know if he's trying to get traction or what, but he walks stretching each leg out really far and sort of flexing his paw. It kills me. Unfortunately, he only does it for a minute each time we go outside and then he figures out what he's doing and starts scampering around like normal again. Maybe if I get up early tomorrow there will still be enough snow on the ground that I can take him outside and make a video of his snow walk. And even though it's completely unnecessary because there's a grand total of like, three inches on the ground, I might even make him wear his snow suit!
And what's not to love about a hound dog in a snow suit?

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