Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Please, please, please, somebody click on this link and tell me that you love it as much as I do:
Babysitters Club

Okay, maybe not as much as I do, because I am ashamed to admit how long I just spent reading entries in this blog, because I might actually have to use the word hour(s), and I bet none of you are that pathetic (or have that much time to kill right now).

But seriously. I loved these books when I was a kid. I mostly remember getting to buy several new ones every time my family was getting ready to go on vacation, because my parents liked to bribe us with new things to get us to shut up in the car/airplane. And then when I was in 4th or 5th grade my school library finally started to get the series, and all of the girls in my grade would battle each other each week on library day for the newest ones. The best were the Super Specials. I read the one about the babysitters going on a cruise to the Bahamas and Disney World so many times that it eventually fell apart.

Anyway, this blog kills me, because the author is dead on about how ridiculous the books were. At the time the babysitters seemed so sophisticated to me, and everything in the books was perfectly logical, or at least logical enough that it didn't detract from my enjoyment of the books. But now I'm like "Who the fuck lets their 13 year old daughter ride buses in Manhattan by herself, much less with two little kids in tow? Why does Watson Brewer (the millionaire) insist on taking a bunch of middle schoolers on his family vacations? Why have these girls apparently gone on like, 18 vacations in the course of one school year, as they are perpetually thirteen years old? Why were side ponytails ever popular?" And this blog hits all those topics and much, much more.

I actually laughed out loud. Many times. So I'm sharing the link with you. Girls, I'm betting many of you will appreciate it. Guys, I bet most of you don't even know what I'm talking about. What the heck were you guys into in 1991, anyway? Oh, right. Sports and videogames. EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS YOU'RE INTERESTED IN RIGHT NOW. Ha.

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