Saturday, December 8, 2007

While I'm Thinking About It...

So I was cleaning up some stuff on my blog dashboard today and I realized...people actually comment on some of my entries!
Once I write something I don't generally go back and look for comments on it, and I don't have anything set up to notify me when people do comment, so I was completely oblivious to the fact that a few people have actually left comments over the past six months. I even had a semi-mean anonymous comment on an entry a couple of months ago! My first troll! Yes! (Actually, my guess is that the comment is from someone I know and therefore it doesn't count as a real troll comment. And it wasn't a very astute comment at that, since it was telling me to "get over it" and the point of the entry in question was that I WAS over it, at least most of the time).
I don't have a ton of comments here, but since I tend to be a lurker myself I don't mind that most of my readers are lurkers as well. Here's the question, though: how does one respond to comments? Do you respond in another entry? In the comments section itself (who goes back and re-reads comment sections)? Go to the commenter's blog and leave a comment in their comment section? Just ignore it but hope everyone knows that you appreciate the comments? I don't know the etiquette.

But rest assured that if you have commented any time in the past six months, I appreciate it! And there are a few comments that I wish I had seen at the time because I would have liked to keep the dialogue going, but oh well. In the future, I'll be better at checking for comments on old entries.

Thanks for reading, guys! (Even you, anonymous punk. I don't think the blog experience would be complete without some anonymous punks.) I know I'm not always the most consistent updater and 3/4ths of what I say is probably not interesting to anyone but me, but thanks for humoring me.

P.S.-I've been mailing out my Christmas cards this weekend. If you send me an e-mail with your address, I'll send you a card featuring my hound dog looking like a frat boy in a collared shirt and my cat (surprisingly happily) sporting a scarf.
P.P.S.-My e-mail address is [first name]L[last name] No spaces, no punctuation, don't forget the L between the first and last name. Word.

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