Sunday, December 2, 2007


I have been freezing all day long. I don't know why. It's cold and rainy today, but not THAT cold. I think it's about 40 degrees outside right now. I shouldn't be freezing, but I'm wearing tights and an undershirt and a sweater and jeans and fuzzy socks and I ran the heater much more today than I usually do, and I'm still cold. Speaking of the heater, though, I'm discovering I barely have to run mine at all. I live on the third floor and there's an apartment above mine as well, so because heat rises and beause I'm insulated from below and above, I'm pretty sure my neighbors are unwittingly heating my apartment. My electric bill was only $38 last month. Muahahahahaha. A good citizen would pull her own weight in heating the building, but nah. I'm not gonna do that.

Speaking of cold, look at this: indoor skiing in Dubai I can't imagine that the slopes would be very challenging or be interesting for very long, but I guess when the average temperature is like, 130 degrees, and you still insist on skiing, you do what you can. The pictures do make me want to go skiing, though. Apparently you can go skiing just an hour or two from where I live, which I can't really imagine since I grew up skiing in Colorado and New Mexico so I'm not sure how thrilling east coast hills will be in comparison (they are hills, not mountains, and don't try to tell me otherwise). But maybe I'll get the chance to try it in the early spring. After all, skiing is skiing and I'm out of practice so maybe it will be a good thing if it's not too challenging. If it's going to be this cold, I might as well enjoy some winter sports.

I've been a complete lazy bum this weekend. Seriously, my level of motivation has fallen in a major way. I accomplished only the bear minimum of things I needed to get done this weekend, which isn't great considering everything I have to finish in the next 2 1/2 weeks.
Now, pretend to be interested in the list of things I have to accomplish:
-Finish prospectus for my intro to doctoral studies class [I present on my current prospectus tomorrow, and if I don't get told that it sucks and I need to change it substantially, I actually won't have too much work left on this project. Two or three hours at the most, hopefully.]
-Complete a draft and final portfolio of assignments for my Teaching [My Subject] class. [I got "A"s on all of the assignments this semester, so I shouldn't have to change anything too substantially, meaning that this project shouldn't take too much effort to finish. This should be another project that can be finished in two or three hours max.]
-Lead a section of my theory class
-Complete two more weeks of theory reading
-Write my theory final, another 30 page monstrosity. That's going to be FUN.
-Finish and present my proposal for my Thursday night class [Thankfully, this will be finished this week, even if I have to pull all-nighters to get it done by Thursday]
-Do some sort of final for my Thursday night class [We still have no idea what this is going to be. Initially my prof said it would be something easy, but she said that a lot of things about her course would be easy and very few of them actually have been, so we'll see...]
-Grade 60 final exams and tabulate final grades for my students

Not an absolutely miserable amount of work, especially if I don't waste time like I did all weekend. Still, I'll be happy to see December 19th.

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