Saturday, September 8, 2007


Tonight I discovered that the cab drivers in City B have GPSs (hmmm...what's the plural of GPS?) I kind of feel like that's cheating, don't you? I remember when I was living in London I had a conversation with one of my cab drivers and he was telling me how hard it was to train as a cab driver in London because all the streets are so twisty and random and I was really impressed. Not so much with the City B cab drivers, though. Anyone could be a cab driver if they had GPS. Also, is anyone else annoyed with the fact that cabbies are ALWAYS on the cell phone these days? They all have some sort of hands free system and just babble away on it the whole damn time. This is the case in City B and was the case last time I was in New York, too, and I honestly wouldn't care except that I don't feel like they even really pay attention to my requests anymore because they're too busy gabbing on the phone. Tonight both Rae and her husband told the cab driver three different times where we wanted to go (home) and he still ended up dropping us off in front of a random club in their neighborhood because, according to him, we didn't tell him specifically where we wanted to go and he assumed we wanted to go to another club. Um. Okay. Whatever.
Other than the dumb cab driver (and even that wasn't a big deal at all, just something I suddenly feel the need to comment on) tonight was a fun night in City B. Rae, her husband and I went to the trendy and happenin' part of City B and had delicious pizza and hit a dive bar with a cool DJ and a "skanky music club" (Rae's words, not mine, although the description was quite accurate). I enjoyed myself. I hadn't actually been dancing in a while so it was nice to get a chance to do that. Rae is kind of bummed because she and Jon really only know one other couple in City B so far (remember, they just moved here, too) and just this week the couple announced that they're pregnant WITH TWINS so now Rae doesn't have a local drinking buddy anymore. So tonight we toasted the fact that because I'm not even in a relationship I won't be pregnant anytime soon and will therefore probably be a covenient drinking buddy right up until the point that Jon and Rae decide they're gonna create a baby of their own (which probably won't be all that long, honestly, Jon is already talking about it). Of course, now I'm all paranoid because there's no better way to get pregnant than to gleefully toast that you are not pregnant now and will not be pregnant any time in the remotely near future. Then again, being pregnant would require actual real life intercourse so I don't think I have anything to worry about at this point. Ha.
Also, I need to go up to City B more often, I think. Last time I went up there Rae gave me a skillet and a soup pot (apparently they got some duplicate items off their wedding registry) and this time I got a pair of pinstripe pants that she bought but didn't end up liking after all. Sweet!
Oh, and also, we were talking tonight and we came to the realization that of all the girl grandchildren on my dad's side of the family (and there are 11 of us) I'm the only really girly one. All the other girls on my dad's side of the family are kind of tomboyish. We realized that I'm the only one that a) regularly wears makeup and b) never played any sort of organized sport (amongst other extremely girly traits). Luckily I look exactly like my father, so even though my girly girl side obviously comes from my mom's genes, there's no doubt in anyone's mind that I'm his offspring.

I guess I don't really have anything else exciting to say tonight. I spent the day cleaning the apartment and reading, and I think tomorrow will be a reading day as well. I'm determined to not fall behind this early in the semester, because that would be sort of ridiculous. Besides, if I get a lot of work done tomorrow maybe I can hang out in City A on Sunday. Yeah!

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