1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
I love this question. It always makes me realize that no matter how old I get there are always going to be so many new things in a given year that I can't manage to list them all. Some immediately memorable new things from this year: jet skiing, visiting Boston when I was old enough to actually remember it, seeing Niagara Falls and visiting Canada, going to a pumpkin-tossing festival. And moving in with my boyfriend, which is of course the biggest "first".
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions and will you make more for next year?
Last year my first resolution was to cook more often, and that one was somewhat successful. I cooked more than I had in the past but still not as much as I wanted to (and in the last few months of this year I really let cooking fall by the wayside). My other resolution from last year was to improve my networking skills and talk more to people that seemed interesting instead of always waiting for them to approach me. I give myself an "A" on that one, mostly because I forced myself to answer the phone when Penn called and gave him a chance, which is something I probably wouldn't have done last year. And it's not because of anything he did or didn't do when we met, but just because I think I would have talked myself out of it for all the weird, random reasons I used to talk myself out of answering the phone when other guys had called in the past. But I had decided to be more open-minded about seemingly interesting people, so I called him back after he called me the first time, and look how well that worked out!
As for this year, I really do want to cook more often. REALLY. Maybe it will actually stick this year, since I think this is the third time I have resolved to do it. Plus now I actually have someone else to cook for, so the incentive is a bit better (it's hard to get motivated when you're just cooking for yourself and you know there are going to be a ton of leftovers). Other than that, I just want to pass my comprehensive exams and write my prospectus. If I can do just those two things, I will consider it a successful year.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
No, but a lot of my friends and acquaintances are pregnant right now. (I went to two baby showers last month and have another one to go to in a couple of weeks...I hope it's not contagious...)
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No, thankfully.
5. What countries did you visit?
I finally made it to Canada.
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
Hmmmm...honestly, I can't think of anything else I need right now. A little more financial security would be nice, since with all the state budget cuts there's always this nagging voice in the back of my mind saying, "Careful, you may not have a salary next semester..." But I don't think that security is going to come while I'm a graduate student, no matter how hard I work and how indispensable I try to make myself. Other than that, I'd be perfectly content if 2009 was more or less a repeat of 2008.
7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory and why?
The day in May that Penn surprised me with roses, a trip to Chocolate World, and delicious Mexican food and then asked if I was his girlfriend. I had no idea back then exactly how much (and how quickly) my life was going to change for the better when I said, "Yes."
There are so many other days, too, though. Jet skiing with Cas, Jay, and Penn. Standing in the pouring rain in the North End with Penn and Kiki, eating calamari from a street cart. Drinking pina coladas at the Bellagio swimming pool in Vegas with Maddi, my mom, and my sister.
8. What was your biggest achievement(s) of the year?
I had a hell of a fall semester: I helped Penn move, I moved myself, I spent three times more weekends traveling than I did at home, I was sick for a month, and yet I managed to get "A"s in all of my seminars this semester. In fact, I would go so far as to say I rocked those classes. I'd say that's a big achievement.
Also, I don't think I can really count my relationship with Penn as an achievement since that's something that just happened due to fate or luck or whatever you want to call it. But I think any successful relationship is an achievement on the part of both people in it, and so far I think we're pretty damn good at this whole thing, and every day I hope we continue like this.
9. What was your biggest failure?
I shouldn't have been such a bitch about my sister's boyfriend at the beginning of the year. I regret fighting with her about him and so blatantly telling her that I thought it was a mistake to date him, especially since a year later he's still in the picture. I spent the whole year trying to be more open-minded about the whole thing, though, and now I realize that they really do love each other and, well, I'm trying. And I'll keep trying. I finally met him, I think he is a very nice guy, and I'm learning the lesson I think I'm supposed to learn from this situation, which is: Just because my sister and I are very different people doesn't mean her decisions are wrong.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I had that scary instance at the beginning of the year where I had some abnormal medical test results at my physical, but fortunately that ended up being no big deal in the end and the doctors had freaked me out about what ended up being nothing. Then in October I had a bad cold for a week and then I kind of got better but I had a cough that hung on for about six weeks. In retrospect, I'm fairly certain I had bronchitis, and I think next time I will actually go to a doctor and get a nebulizer treatment and not be so stubborn.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Well, we don't own it, but the condo Penn and I are renting is definitely the best "new" thing I got this year. I love this condo. I just wish we could stay here until we're ready to move, as opposed to having to move whenever the owners decide they want to come back.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I'm proud of Penn for getting his new job, and proud of two of my friends here who have had a really crappy year full of break-ups, divorces, health problems, and trouble in school but have continued to function. I'm sure if I was in their situation I would be a weepy mess who couldn't be coaxed off the couch, and yet they're still trying to salvage something good from their wrecked lives and I really, really admire that.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
I'm getting really tired of hearing about corrupt politicians (but that is never going to change), and I'm really, REALLY tired of all the people who work to ban gay marriage. No one will ever be able to convince me that giving two people the legal right to marry possibly has a negative influence on anyone else. If your church wants to keep marriage a union between a male and a female, fine. But there is a reason this country was founded on the separation of church and state, and I hate that so many people seem to be forgetting that.
14. Where did most of your money go?
Rent (which I hate paying) and travel (which is how I like to spend my money).
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
My college roommate's wedding and my trip to Las Vegas, and going to Niagara Falls.
16. What song will always remind you of 2008?
"Little Sparrow" by Dolly Parton. There was a period this summer where I was listening to that song multiple times a day and I think when I hear it now it will always take me back to June of 2008.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
A. happier or sadder? Happier. I was happy at this time last year, too, but I'm more satisfied now. It seems like 2008 was a lousy year for most people I know: financially it was bad for the whole world, a large amount of the people I know are struggling in their relationships or their careers. Everywhere today people seem to be saying, "Good riddance, 2008." But for me, it was the opposite. 2008 was the year that brought me exactly what I wanted, both in terms of my love life and my career. It was a very, very lucky year for me, and how can you not be very happy about that?
B. thinner or fatter? The same. I am all about maintaining.
C. richer or poorer? Poorer at the moment, despite the large raise I got this year. (Is ANYONE richer this year?) I had a lot of travel and moving-related expenses that have made my bank account pretty sad lately. But now that I'm cohabitating and splitting rent, I'm hopeful that 2009 will be better.
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
I wish I had worked out more. I'm still working out 20 days a month, but I think I could work a little harder. I also wish I had read more novels.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
The answer to this question is still "messed around on the internet" although I might as well admit at this point that the web is an addiction I'm incapable of giving up. I also wish I had organized my time a bit better so I'd had less nights where I was getting up at 4 AM to finish papers.
20. How did you spend Christmas?
With my family in my hometown. We kept up all our usual traditions (fondue, cinammon rolls, walking the dogs on the golf course on Christmas morning) and I received some really nice gifts. My favorite was a throw blanket crocheted by my grandma. She made one for all of her "DNA" (that's what she and Grandpa jokingly call their children and grandchildren). I also got a blackberry while I was home for Christmas, and although it wasn't technically a Christmas gift (just an extra phone my dad gave me since he won it in a golf tournament but he already has another one of his own) it has been pretty fun to finally have a phone that gets e-mail.
21. How will you be spending New Years?
Two of Penn's friends are driving down here to spend the night, and the four of us are going to a Robert Randolph concert tonight. Penn and I also bought stuff to make chocolate white Russians for our pre-party. Oh, and I bought a really cute (and cheap!) purple dress for tonight, but now it's snow flurry-ing and super windy so my hot outfit might have to be a no-go. We'll see. Anyway, I'm excited about tonight since my past 4 or 5 New Year's Eves have been pretty lackluster since they were either spent at work or with my parents or at parties with a lot of people I didn't really know. Actually, last year I was with Maddi and that was fun, but this year I actually get to kiss someone I love at midnight, which automatically makes it better. Hopefully!
22. Did you fall in love in 2008?
Yes. Absolutely.
23. How many one-night stands?
24. What was your favorite TV program(s)?
I love Gossip Girl. I know, I know. I balanced it out by also watching a lot of Deadliest Catch and Whale Wars.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I hate my friend Anna's ex-husband, although technically I already strongly, strongly disliked him at this point last year.
26. What was the best book you read?
Penn lent me Lucky Jim, which I really enjoyed. It's about the career of a young and cynical academic in Britain in the 1950s, and I literally laughed out loud dozens of times while reading it. It was probably the best thing I read (and, sadly, one of the few books I read that was not for a course...although luckily a lot of the books I read for courses are really interesting).
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Rusted Root, another thing Penn introduced me to. I really like them. I realize that the group has existed since, oh, 1994, but I'd never listened to them until I started taking road trips with Penn.
28. What did you want that you also ended up getting?
A healthy relationship. Oh, and about two weeks ago I finally came up with a potentially feasible dissertation topic. I still have to follow some threads and make some contacts and see if my topic is actually researchable, but if this one doesn't work out I also have a decent backup plan. So I made it right under the wire, but I said I wanted a dissertation topic in 2008 and I think I got it!
29. What did you want that you did not end up getting?
That million dollar check is still eluding me...
30. What was your favorite film of this year?
The Darjeeling Limited. I realize that's not actually a movie that was made this year, but I saw it for the first time this year and I loved it.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 26. My birthday felt a little rushed this year because it fell in the midst of moving and all of my conference travel, but it still ended up being good. Penn took me out to dinner at an Italian restaurant the night before my birthday and he surprised me with a gift that was so good it made me cry (and I would tell you what it was, but he might kill me because he doesn't think it was a particularly masculine gesture, haha). It was personal, and romantic, and I'll keep it forever. Then on my actual birthday he surprised me with a bottle of absinthe, which was also a lot of fun. Prior to my birthday my friend Nicole and I threw ourselves a joint birthday/Halloween party, which I think we're going to have to repeat next year, too, because it was fun.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Nothing. It was immeasurably satisfying exactly how it was. I'm completely content right now, and I'm trying to cherish the feeling while it lasts.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
An exact repeat of what I was wearing last year, except that I don't dress up as often because I'm not teaching every week.
34. What kept you sane?
Penn, Kiki, my hound dog, and making an endless series of to-do lists.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I don't really "fancy" any celebrities right now, although I do like the word "fancy" used in this context.
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
The election, obviously, although I was so damn sick of it by the end that I actually stopped listening to NPR through most of October because I just couldn't stand the pundits anymore.
37. Who did you miss?
I miss Maddi and my family since they're too far away to visit on a whim.
38. Who was the best new person you met?
Penn, obviously. (Also, I'm sorry that the vast majority of this year's review is about him but dating him was the biggest thing that happened to me this year.)
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
I am learning to be more of a risk-taker. Life doesn't end when it doesn't go according to a plan or a schedule. In fact, the best things that happened to me in 2008 all happened completely unexpectedly and always when they weren't part of my initial gameplan. I'm still a worrier, and it still takes a lot of effort for me to be spontaneous, but I'm starting to be more open-minded when previously I would have gone, "No way."
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing is gonna be all right."-Bob Marley (what can I say, it was a reggae sort of year around here).
P.S.-Would you click back and look at last year's song lyrics? Strange, isn't it? I spent months in 2007 trying to shake off that West Side Story, "something's comin', something good, maybe tonight..." feeling. It sounds ridiculous to say it, but I had a premonition that 2008 was going to be a big, life-changing year for me. I still can't believe I was actually right.
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