Tuesday, April 29, 2008


So much to talk about!

First of all, last night one of my friends got us free tickets to a major local awards ceremony followed by a gigantic gala afterparty with endless amounts of free food and numerous open bars and a DJ that played until two in the morning. And this man was at the awards ceremony as an honored guest! And although I realize that may not be impressive to you, it is very impressive to me because I'm a huge nerd like that and I know far more about renowned British Shakespearean actors than anyone really needs to know. But if you just want to go, "Oh, cool, he was in Gladiator," I guess I'm okay with that. (And if you want to know what the party was, just google that man's name + the actual name of City A if you know it, and you should be able to figure out what I was up to last night).
I went to the party with a handful of my friends, and we had a really good time. The only problem is that by starting the week with a huge party, it is really hard to convince myself that I actually have work to do for the rest of the week. I don't really know how I'm going to manage all the work I have to do in the next two weeks, to be honest. So far my coping mechanism has just been to not think about it too much, although I think I need to actually start making some sort of schedule and getting organized because seriously, the end of a semester is always crazy but this is particularly insane.
Luckily there are a lot of fun things mixed in with the work this week. A party in the grad offices on Thursday night (the grad students at the other end of the hallway throw these semi-illegal parties every couple of months, and they're always great fun), a night out with a bunch of the grad students in City A on Friday night, another trip to hang out with the boy on Saturday. Oh, and I feel confident enough about this situation now to not be terribly afraid that I'm going to jinx it if I tell you about him. He has given me many indications that he is in this for real, and so I'm pretty sure that the only reason he won't be my boyfriend at this point is if I decide I don't want him to be, and so far I still can't think of a reason why I don't want him to be. So as soon as I get my act together and actually get temporarily caught up on school work I'll do a post with some of the pertinent details since it appears as though this guy is going to be in the picture for a while. At the very least he needs a pseudonym (and I guess even if for some reason he drops off the face of the earth at this point, at least it was a really good month month and I figure it's worth writing about anyway).

Oh, also, the trip to New York this weekend was great. My paper presentation went really well, especially considering how much I procrastinated in writing it. And I learned some interesting things that I should be able to put to use in my job this summer. Also, I had a great time hanging out with Kiki. Friday night involved a restaurant in Hell's Kitchen serving the closest thing to Mexican food I've managed to find on the east coast, an entire pitcher of sangria, and a late-night trip to Toys in Babeland to giggle about vibrating cock rings because sometimes when we get together we're fifteen years old. On Saturday night we went to a birthday party for two of Kiki's friends from work, and it was one of those parties where most of the guests were gay guys and all of them seemed to be there because they were some other guest's ex. In other words, it was a lot of fun! Eventually I just stopped trying to figure out who had slept with who, because it was getting far too complicated for me. Oh, and Anthony Rapp was there! He used to date one of the birthday boys. Apparently it's Stage Celebrity Week in my world. Anyway, we chatted for a while and he was friendly. All in all it was a good couple of days. I don't think I'll ever get tired of the fact that, by living here, I can now just drive to New York City for the weekend. I really should take even more advantage of the proximity, to be honest.

Basically, I'm really diggin' my life right now. Part of me feels like I need to constantly keep knocking on wood and crossing my fingers because I'm sort of blown away by how well things have been going all year. Then again, you get so few times in your life where everything is going reasonably well all at once, so I also feel like it would be stupid not to full revel in this time while I have it.

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