Thursday, March 13, 2008


I made it through the first half of the semester! My spring break officially begins in six hours. I just have to get through one more seminar tonight and then it's vacation time.
Unfortunately, I think I'm getting sick. Or rather, I hope I'm already as sick as I'm going to get and that it's not going to get worse. On Tuesday one of my profs mentioned in class that she thought she was coming down with a cold, and Nicole said, "Well, colds aren't contagious, are they?" and I said, "Yeah they are," and I guess I had to go and prove myself right because not 24 hours later I was walking across campus thinking about how my throat was feeling a little off. And now I'm all sneezy. Fortunately, the only symptoms so far seem to be this incessant sneezing and slight fatigue (which may actually be caused by the fact that I haven't gotten more than five or six hours of sleep per night since Saturday so I can't entirely blame that on the cold). Tomorrow I get to spread my germs to an entire plane full of people! And between now and next Monday I'll be traveling through/hanging out in seven different cities or towns in three different states (not counting the suburban town where I am currently sniffling away on my couch). Hello everyone! Enjoy your virus! I brought it all the way from the east coast just for you!

Oh well. I just can't wait to get onto my plane tomorrow morning. 3 and a half hours of reading trashy magazines and dozing sounds pretty amazing right now. Between now and then I still have to do a bunch of stuff. Take my dog to get his nails trimmed, drop my dog off with the friend in City A who has oh-so-kindly agreed to dogsit for me, buy a few things at the drug store, pack.
Actually, I can't wait to pack. It's supposed to be 90 degrees in the city I'm flying to tomorrow. 90 degrees! I will have you know that at this exact moment it is 47 degrees where I am, and I woke up this morning happy that the highs are going to be in the 50s so I can take the dog for a long walk in the "warm" weather. But now I get to pack a bathing suit and actually wear it! And between the wedding (which involves a rehearsal dinner and a bridesmaid's luncheon) and St. Patrick's Day bar hopping with my grad school friends and then several nights in Las Vegas, do you have any idea how many opportunities that is to create cute outfits? Cute outfits that don't involve sleeves or thick tights?! I have a closet full of sparkly, shiny, skimpy, maybe even sexy tanks and halters and dresses, many of which have not had the occasion to be brought out of the closet since I moved to University Land. I'm telling you right now that I am waaaaaaay over packing. And that one entire suitcase is going to be nothing but my cosmetic bag and shoes (and school books, but who wants to think about that?).

P.S.-I still haven't heard from the job I applied for-or rather, I got an e-mail saying that they would be calling me next week but then I never got a phone call, so I don't know what that means-but yesterday I got a job offer from a company that wants me to do some work for them this spring and early summer. I didn't apply for this job. One of my professors recommended me to them, which makes me really happy. It means s/he obviously has some faith in my work. Anyway, this isn't a paying job, but it would be good professional experience of the sort that I really need to fill out my resume. And even though it's not a paying job, it doesn't matter because my goal is just to add a job in my field to my resume this summer, and if I do this job in the spring/early summer I could spend the rest of the summer doing a bartending or waitressing job and making good money without having to feel like I wasted the whole summer doing something that I can't even put on my resume. It would be the best of both worlds, I think. Here's hoping this works out! The job is mine if I want it, but it all depends on scheduling, so keep your fingers crossed.

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