Monday, March 17, 2008

A Cautionary Tale

Yesterday, my whole family left the town where we had been attending (or, in my case, participating in) a wedding all weekend. We drove an hour and a half back to the city where I used to live last year while I was working on my MA and where my brother and sister live currently (technically, I lived and went to school about half an hour away from said city, but you know what I mean, it's all one big urban/suburban region). My parents still had a few hours to kill before they had to go to the airport, so we went to a Mexican food restaurant and met my aunt and uncle there. Maddi also drove into town to meet us for lunch.
Two hours and several strawberry margaritas later, my brother suggested that we go back to his apartment to play Rock Band. Maddi and I had been planning to go to the mall to buy sunglasses for Las Vegas (two days 'til Vegas!) but I was like, "Oooooh, Rock Band!" and Maddi said, "What is Rock Band?" and I said, "I've been wanting to play Rock Band for months!" Which is why I ended up at my brother's apartment with him, Maddi, my brother's roommate, another one of his good friends, and my sister (who, incidentally, had begun the afternoon by saying "I'm just going to have one margarita because I have to go home and study this afternoon." HA.)
Here comes the cautionary part: DO NOT start playing Rock Band if you ever want to do anything else again in your life. Definitely, definitely do not buy it. Because we started playing Rock Band at about 4:00, and six hours and four or five beers later I couldn't even talk any more because I'd been singing so much and laughing so hard and yet I was still perched on the end of the couch hoarsely yelping, "Do 'Don't Fear the Reaper' again! Again! I want to be the cowbell!"
It was so much fun. I know I'm probably the last one onto this bandwagon (as I usually am with anything that's remotely popular), but if you haven't played it yet, your mission for the week should be to befriend someone that has it. But don't say I didn't warn you about its immense time-sucking qualities.

I'll post more later this week about Roomie's wedding. I'd do it right now but my laptop is about to run out of power and I don't feel like digging through my suitcase to find my charger. Plus I might want to include some pictures. All I will say right now is that the wedding was ultimately beautiful and so much fun, and if there were such a thing as a Bridesmaid of the Year award, I think I should be a nominee. I was trouble shooting all night in heels and a form-fitting floor-length satin dress. Surely that's something that could go in the "Special Skills" section of my resume.

Oh, and Happy St. Patrick's Day, by the way! I'm hanging out in MA town tonight with Maddi and some of my grad school friends and Maddi's boyfriend and some of his friends. It should be a good time. Then tomorrow evening I'm flying out to hometown for a couple of nights. So if you don't hear from me for a while it's because I'm once again trying to figure out how many time zones a person can visit in a ten day period without going nuts.

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