Friday, September 11, 2009

Conversations on the Way to the Beach

Me: I was just trying to figure out if I like to do anything crafty at all.
Penn: Crafty? Why would you want to do crafts?
Me: That's just it. I don't. I don't want to scrapbook or paint or crochet or do anything like that. Maybe every now and then, but not on a regular basis. I don't think I have any crafty hobbies.
Penn: No. You just like to organize things...That's about it.

Me:It really bothers me when song lyrics aren't correct.
Penn: I know.
Me: It's okay if someone writes a song that's all just grammatically incorrect nonsense. Like some of the Beatles stuff, that doesn't bother me. But you either have to make most of the song grammatically incorrect and just run with it, or else you can't make any mistakes at all. You can't just throw one grammatically incorrect phrase into the song. Then people wonder if you did it on purpose or if you don't even realize you released a song with a mistake.
Penn: People don't wonder that. YOU wonder that.

For the record, Maddi still calls me every time she hears that Fergalicious song from a couple of years ago just because she knows it infuriates me that the song puts an E in Tasty. It is a bit of an obsession, I suppose. It's not like you can't make grammar and spelling mistakes on your own, but surely with all the steps an album has to go through before release, someone could point out that "most loneliest" isn't acceptable.For example. I'm just saying.

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