Thursday, February 21, 2008

I Know Where I Want it To Go

Have you guys heard of Psapp? I'm sure you already have, since I'm usually a good six months to a year late when it comes to music. And if you're one of those people that's really into the whole music scene, I'm about an entire decade behind you. So, yeah, you probably already know about this group, but if you don't, you should check them out. Their song "Hi" is on the latest Disaronno commercial, and I kept hearing it and thought it was incredibly catchy. Also, I was pretty sure I'd heard it and liked it on Grey's Anatomy before (which makes sense, since apparently Psapp does the Grey's theme song). So I asked Google who sang the song on the Disaronno commercial and now I know about Psapp and I can't stop watching all of their quirky music videos on YouTube. I recommend you watch them, too. Maybe it won't be your thing, but it will give you important insight into the sort of music I like to listen to when I'm dancing by myself in my kitchen while making pancakes for dinner (always for dinner and never for breakfast).

P.S.-How on earth did anyone ever live without the internet? Do you know how many times a day I Google things? I'm going to give a conservative estimate and say that I Google for one reason or another at least a ten times a day. Here are just a few things I have googled in the past 24 hours, according to my search history:
"song on Disaronno commercial"
"Julian Beck+obituary"
"splooge" [I did not actually look at any of the websites brought up by this query, I swear. I was just trying to see the amount of hits for each spelling so that I could settle a debate-with myself-about the most proper way to spell it. Because it's critical to my daily life to be able to spell "splooge" correctly. Isn't that true for you as well? And yes, I decided that "splooge" is the proper spelling, which is what I had been thinking all along]
"Texas Centennial Exposition"
"Is Tyler Perry gay?"
"How to bake a potato in the microwave"
"2008 Academy Awards"
"P.F. Chang's+average check"
I Google all. day. long. I just love the fact that whenever a question pops into my head about anything I can Google it, and while I may not get an exact answer, I get several potential answers and can immediately get a sense of what information is out there.
And I'm so happy that I get to be a graduate student now, as opposed to in the dark ages of card catalogs and typewriters. How the hell anyone ever managed to write a paper without a computer and a university-provided subscription to multiple databases of journal articles is beyond me.
And YouTube! Today I gave a well-received presentation using nothing but video footage I found on YouTube, amazing stuff from the 1960s and 1970s that doesn't exist on DVD yet but somehow ended up on the internet.

Alright, that's enough of my Ode to the Internet. I'm not actually drunk right now, believe it or not, I'm just feeling a little loopy from a combination of too many conversation hearts and too little sleep. This was a really hectic week. I had presentations due in both my Tuesday and Thursday classes. We have to present pretty much every single week in my Tuesday class. It's mentally exhausting, because you spend a few days building up to it and then you do it and you think, "Yes! Done with my presentation!" and then it immediately hits you that you have to start the whole process over again pretty much right away. I'm telling you, grad school is all about riding the waves, and they come fast and furious in this course. Anyway, I'm used to having a lot of work due for Tuesday but I don't normally have to do presentations for my Thursday class (we only do two the whole semester) so that was a lot of extra work thrown into this week. On top of that, I also had my independent study meeting this week. Dr. AMP and I only meet every other week, and this was one of our on weeks so I had to finish up a bunch of reading for my project with him. Then there was the usual amount of reading that has to get done each week whether you're scheduled to do presentations or not and, well, there wasn't much time to do anything other than work this week. I had so much to do that I wasn't able to take a real break all week. Basically, when I got tired of one task I could switch to another, but quitting work entirely wasn't an option. Like I said, it was a hectic week.
Thank goodness I do pretty well under the pressure of having a long to-do list, and thank goodness that every week is not as busy as this one. I do still have a lot of work to do between now and next Wednesday, but most of it is just reading, which I pretty much always enjoy (yes, really). And next week is a short week because I'm going to a conference on Thursday.
I keep forgetting that I have to get on a plane a week from today. I'm excited about it, though. There are seven of us going from my university. That's a really big number of people from one school, especially since this conference is big but not one of the two huge ones in my field. I'd call it a mid-sized conference. So we're definitely going to dominate. Which is funny, because it's a regional conference that's not even for our region of the country. Ha. Two of my friends from my MA program are going to be there, too, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them since I haven't seen either of them since May. Anyway, I'm mostly looking forward to getting to hang out with so many friends well away from the school setting, and hopefully there will be the opportunity to do some networking as well.

And on the very bright side, once I get back from the conference there are only two more weeks of school until spring break. Which is blowing my mind, frankly. This semester is going by incredibly fast.

I'm off to bed to read a magazine for a change. I'm kind of hoping it snows again tonight. We had several hours of snow on Wednesday (of course on Wednesday, since that's the day I have to walk miles to class, remember?) but the ground wasn't cold enough for it to stick. They're saying we could get another inch or two tonight, though. I could use one more snowstorm to make my winter complete (but no more after that, though. I'm actually still a big wuss about winter, and I'm not feelin' the whole snow-possible-until-April thing).

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