Sunday, July 17, 2011


I'm having the laziest day today. I slept until 11 and haven't really moved off the couch since then (it's 5:00 now). I did manage to do a bit of laundry, but that's about it. I guess I'm allowed to be lazy today since we had guests all weekend and were running around. Penn's mom visited--unfortunately providing no new fodder for the blog--and my cousin and aunt happened to be passing through town on a long road trip to move my cousin from California to Maine for school, so they stayed here with us for a couple of nights to break up their trip. We had a full house, but it went well and I had a nice visit with everyone.

I feel blocked in terms of blogging right now. There are two big things on my mind lately. One of them is my major summer projects. I don't like to talk too much about my career here because I feel like it is just generally not a good idea, so I can't really write about the two big projects that are taking up most of my time these days. The second thing is something I'm not willing to blog about yet, either, until I have more information, but it's something I'm thinking about all the time. So with my mind on those two things pretty much all day every day but no way to write about them in detail here, I've been avoiding blogging. Sorry! I think both of these mental blocks should be out of the way once the summer is over, though, so stay tuned (assuming you didn't just give up on me completely ages ago when I decided that two posts per month is sufficient).

Other than that, I can't seem to make other things in my life feel worthy of a blog post. Penn and I are doing great and enjoying life together, and while I feel blessed to have a happy and peaceful and sexy and predictable-in-a-good-way marriage, descriptions of my pleasant relationship don't exactly make for scintillating reading. There have been no reports of major new family drama lately. Penn and I have been homebodies for the past couple of weekends so there is no new social excitement to talk about. I continue to slog through the dissertation. I've started having horrible anxiety dreams about the whole process, but at least that is inspiring me to work on it more often. It's the time of the summer when I give up going outdoors and lounge in the A/C waiting for October.

So, yeah. I'll be back when I have something at least somewhat interesting to report. I'm going back to Scotland in a month, so there is that to look forward to. It's a work trip, though, so I worry it may be more stressful than fun. I hope I'm able to relax and enjoy it.

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