Sunday, July 27, 2008


I just saw the biggest slug ever. Ever! I was outside walking the dog and I saw something on the ground that looked like a black pickle and I thought, "Huh, that's weird," and then I saw it sort of wiggle and I realized it was a giant slug! It was the size of my big toe! And then it gradually stretched out and got all skinny and then it was almost as long as my foot! Ah! I was pretty enthralled by the slug. I took pictures of it with my cell phone and sent them to half the people in my phone book (the half that I thought might appreciate pictures of a giant slug, anyway). I'd post the picture here but I'm not sure that I'm savvy enough to get the picture off my phone and into my blog. So just trust me, it was HUGE. Or actually, maybe that's perfectly normal for a slug. I have no idea, I haven't seen many slugs in my life.

Also, somebody found this blog by searching for the phrase "my brother's naked body." What the hell?! That phrase is actually in the entry I wrote back in February about my brother's 21st birthday when he passed out naked on my sister's couch and her roommate came across him in the morning, but GROSS. What is wrong with people?! Why on earth would anyone search for that? The sad thing is that I'm sure they found something on the internet that fit the bill. Sick, sick, sick.

P.S.-I touched the slug. It was really, really sticky. Don't worry, I washed my hands.

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